Entire Sunpue Extracts Private Limited’s operation revolves around Ayurveda. Ayurveda’ is generally understood as ‘Science of life’ translating ‘Ayur (r)’ as life and ‘Veda’ as science. Ayurveda is an ancient system of life and also the oldest surviving medical system in the world. Dating back almost 5000 years, it is also considered to be an ancient science of healing that enhances longevity. It has evolved from the quest to have a happy life, through a deep understanding of creation and its maintenance, perceived and conceived by the rishis (Saints) or seers of ancient India. Ayurveda emphasizes upon life in general with bit more emphasis on human life.
Its influence can be found in many ancient traditional methods of healing including Tibetan, Greek, and Chinese medicines thus making it the ‘mother of healing’.
The fundamentals on which the Ayurvedic system is based are essentially true for all ages and so can be easily adopted time after time, century after century. The philosophy of Ayurveda teaches a series of conceptual systems characterized by balance and disorder, health and disease. It teaches that a person’s mental, emotional and spiritual being are all interconnected and any kind of imbalance between them results in health disorder and diseases. Therefore, to be healthy, harmony must exist between the purpose for healing, thoughts, feelings and physical action.