Spirulina Algae
- World's Healthiest Super Food - High quality natural source Of Vital MICRONUTRIENTS
- WHO (World Health Organisation): - Next to mother's milk, spirulina contains substantial amounts of an essential fatty acid - GLA, which helps regulate the entire hormone system. - One tablespoon a day can eliminate iron anemia, the most common mineral deficiency
- International health organizations have hailed Spirulina as one of the "Greatest Superfoods on Earth"
- Rich source of B - Complex Vitamins and Vitamin E
- Rich in Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium,Potassium and Other important minerals
- One of the Rare Sources of GLA other than mother milk
- Spirulina powder is approved by both the FDA and WHO as healthy food.
UN : “The best food for tomorrow” – Un world food conference, 1974
- Spirulina is aquatic, microscopic, multi cellular, blue green algae
- It was evolved 3.6 billion years ago.
- Its scientific name is 'Arthrospira platensis', a cyanobacteria.
This microscopic algae has been eaten by humans since prehistoric times and is grown worldwide as a healthy super food.